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Where can I get a copy of Positive Intelligence?

See where you can find a copy of Coach Shirzad's Positive Intelligence book as a participant or non-participant.

Participants in each of our programs receive the first 8 chapters of the book in their introductory email, as required reading. 

If you've misplaced or deleted this email, you can obtain your copy by reaching out to support@positiveintelligence.com. 

As an added bonus, the full audio version of Positive Intelligence is available in our flagship PQ app.  (If you aren't a participant & would like to listen to the audiobook, you can purchase it from Audible HERE.)

While we don't keep copies of Coach Shirzad's  Positive Intelligence in-house or have books available for bulk purchase, they may be available from the publisher. Positive Intelligence is published by Greenleaf Book Press and you can follow this link, https://greenleafbookgroup.com/titles/positive-intelligence, for options on where to buy.

You may also be able to find the ebook through Amazon, Apple or other online retailers of your choice.

We understand that many people want to explore and take notes on the full text. Please know we are prohibited by our publisher from distributing more than 8 chapters in PDF form.