The 2FA Code

How to troubleshoot if you are not receiving a 2FA code

If you are not receiving a 2FA code when you are attempting to login to your account, please review these most common reasons and how to troubleshoot each:

You may have inadvertently unsubscribed or opt-outed of our emails

  • Unsubscribing from one of our emails will opt you out of ALL email correspondence from Positive Intelligence.
  • If you believe you've unsubscribed in error, please contact support and state you'd like to be resubscribed.
  • We may need a different email address for you if you marked the email as SPAM or registered a complaint. If we ask for a different email address from you, it is determined by the policies of your email service provider, which we cannot influence, and how you opted out of our emails.

The email may be caught in a spam or junk folder

  • In some cases, the email may be marked as suspicious and moved to the SPAM or junk folder automatically. If you've requested the 2FA multiple times to your email address but haven't received it in your inbox, it may have been misdirected to one of these folders. 
  • If you find the email from Positive Intelligence misrouted, you should move it to your inbox, uncheck it as SPAM and add our email address to your Safe Senders list or addresses/contacts.

Confirm integration of virus-scanner with your email provider

  • If a virus scanner or anti-spam tool is integrated with your email service provider, it could hinder receiving emails. To test if the virus scanner is causing the problem, disable it for some time, then request the 2FA code again. 
  • If you have installed a third-party anti-spam tool, then check its documentation to find out what it does when it considers an email as SPAM and find out how its integration with the email service provider can be disabled.

Check whether the email arrived on another computer or phone

  • If the same email account is configured on multiple devices (like laptop, tablet, mobile phone etc.), then check out if the message is getting downloaded on those devices.
  • If the email appears in the inbox of other devices but not on your main device, the issue may be with the current profile on your main device. Creating a new profile could potentially resolve this issue.
  • If you are using a POP3 account, ensure that you enable the option to 'keep a copy on the server' so that all your devices can receive the emails without any issues.
  • If you have set up multiple rules for organizing your emails, it is possible that the 2FA email is being redirected to a different folder or even deleted. Make sure to check all sub-folders to ensure that the message from Positive Intelligence is not being sent elsewhere. To be sure, you can try deleting all the rules and then see if the issue persists.
Check the blocked senders list
  • Make sure that you have not added Positive Intelligence to the "Blocked Sender List".  
  • If the email address is added to the list, select it and click the "Remove" button.