Content closing before completion

Android users may experience this common issue & these are some of our suggestions.

When Andriod users open an app and leave it minimized, the phone closes/kills the app, even the permanent notifications from apps - like an antivirus app.

  • This issue can rear its head in many ways.
  • For example, if a person is multitasking between a few apps, suddenly one app can reload, and the user loses their place. 
Based on user experiences, here are a few suggestions to tackle this issue faced by Android users:
  • Some Android users suggest locking the app to solve this issue. This is done by switching the app down or holding it, then clicking the lock icon on the recent apps screen.
  • Sometimes the issue occurs because of OEM and the stock ROM wrongly kills an app to save memory. An option is to adjust Android’s LMK (Low Memory Killer) to not kill your apps. This requires root. So, try to use an app with UI and preset to adjust it.
  • A few users also suggest the issue by going to Settings -> Apps & Notifications -> Advanced -> Special app access -> Battery optimization. From there, change an application to be ‘Not optimized’ and it will not be killed in the background.
  • It's possible to go to Settings -> Device maintenance (Device Care in Pie). Then, select Memory and add the app you want to keep awake to the ones that aren’t checked.
  • Try going to Settings -> Device Care -> Battery -> Settings -> Sleeping apps -> Add. From here, mark as many apps as you don’t need in the background and tap on ‘Add’. Restart your phone and the issue should be resolved.