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PQ Grow Program

In the PQ Grow Program, participants continue their mental fitness journey with new content, ongoing daily focuses and personal practice to strengthen their Sage and further weaken their Saboteurs.

After successful completion of our six-week PQ Program, every participant has the option to either Maintain their current strength level through continued use of the App in its current state (without any new content) or upgrade to Grow

In the Grow program, participants Grow additional strength by continuing to strengthen their Sage and PQ muscles and further weakening Saboteurs through:

  • New Focus of Days, Coach Challenges, and Reflections
  • New Ability to customize your Grow experience by selecting Themes based on specific content or Saboteur
  • New Ability to change your current Focus of the Day (from previous ones if you want to revisit select content)
  • New Option to either Skip or Un-skip weekend content to be truly self-paced 
  • New Stress Management, Conflict Management & Energy/Impact Optimization modules in a new tab, with expanded information
  • And, working on the second accomplice Saboteur your first week.

Grow is completely self-paced allowing each participant to customize their own Sage journey.

Grow content includes modules on:

  • Stress Management
  • Conflict Management
  • Energy/Impact Optimization
  • Sage Mindset for Diversity and Equity
  • Persuasion
  • Change Management
  • Productivity
  • Self-Actualization
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Leadership
  • Resilience
  • Happiness
  • Health and Wellness
  • Parenting
  • Intuition and Decision Making 
  • Relationship Mastery
  • Coaching Others

The image below shows how participants are able to customize Grow! ⤵️