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PQ Mastery Program

The PQ Mastery Program is a six-month experience designed to support your Quest, embody mental fitness, and live PQ at a transformative level.

Transformation is about massive and lasting change.  If you could transform anything in your life in the next six months, what would you choose to transform?

Would it be your most intimate relationship, coaching practice, business development, physical or mental wellness, or impact?  You get to choose. 

The PQ Mastery Program is a six-month experience designed to support your Quest, embody mental fitness, and live PQ at a transformative level.

These fundamental elements enable this journey.


Throughout the six-month program, you will make significant progress in your transformative journey through your deepening PQ powers and meaningful support from your allies. This is where your Quest begins and continues to evolve beyond. Your Quest is not a result, it is a journey, and the outcome is a virtuous cycle that keeps you growing

Embodiment of PQ 

PQ Mastery is about shifting the PQ elements from an intellectual presence to an intrinsic essence — the equivalent of moving from understanding the physics of balance to effortlessly balancing on a bicycle. Powerful guided audio sessions with Shirzad support this shift so you can experience your Saboteurs, Sage Powers, and Self-Command at deeper levels. Identify, feel, and reclaim the original power and strength that each Saboteur overuses and abuses. Experience the profound influence of your Sage in ease and flow.

Powerful Allies

A victorious hero’s journey requires powerful allies. PQ Mastery allows you to connect with like-minded allies who uphold accountability and support your journey. Through your Circle and Pods, allies tap into the wisdom of one another and experience Sage contagion, which can lead to profound discoveries. Some of the most significant insights come from peer-to-peer interactions; your allies help you uncover the wisdom of your Sage

Charging your PQ Practice

How you show up in the world begins with how you show up for yourself. Integrating PQ into your day-to-day life charges your mental fitness and generates momentum. An easier shift to Sage allows for better responses to life. You get to practice your PQ powers daily as you progress on your Quest. As the PQ Mastery program evolves, so does your ability to incorporate mental fitness so that PQ reps are a natural part of your waking hours.

The PQ Mastery Program includes:

Weekly Circle Meetings

You will participate in PQ Mastery with up to 11 other coaches for six months. You will meet as a Circle every week for a 2-hour live session. These live sessions are led by one of our hand-selected Firekeepers. Trained by Shirzad, your Firekeeper has successfully led a PQ Mastery Circle. The PQ Mastery Circle is central to each member's transformation and your participation will be influential. Shirzad continues to provide oversight to ensure the vibrancy of every Circle.  

Weekly PQ Pod Meetings

You will meet with your Pod (of 3 to 4) for an hour after the week's Circle meeting to plan for the week's daily practice. The practice always revolves around "How do I apply this week's theme to make progress on my Quest and in my life?" Pod members help each other find ease and flow and stay consistent with taking easy daily steps.

Weekly Themes

Each week of the PQ Mastery program has a different theme, rotating through Sage Powers, Sage Perspective, Self-Command, or one of the 10 Saboteurs. During the week, your Pod will help you plan easy daily steps, based on that theme, to progress toward your Quest. The focus will be on manageable steps leading to consistent practice, which leads to significant progress. 

Daily Check-ins

You will do a quick (1-minute) check-in with your Circle daily using the PQ app, so everyone gets to feel the powerful presence and support of the entire Circle throughout the experience. The daily check-ins play a key part in maintaining steady progress.

Experiential Learning

PQ Mastery participants abundantly learn from each other’s revelations. An essential component of most PQ Mastery Circle Meetings is a closed-eye process guided by a Shirzad recording. Another key element of the live sessions is the learning that follows these powerful experiences as people share Sage revelations and generate Sage contagion.

The learning in PQ Mastery is primarily experiential through Circle sharing in the live sessions, engaging with your Pod, and consistent daily application of PQ principles as you progress on your Quest. With Shirzad’s conceptual training of PQ principles in the PQ Coach curriculum, the Circle Meetings include limited instructor-led teachings.

Circle Meeting Times

  • Monday 11 am ET
  • Monday 3 pm ET
  • Monday 6 pm ET
  • Tuesday 9 am ET
  • Tuesday 2 pm ET
  • Wednesday 11 am ET

Circle Meeting time slots are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited, and these Circle Meeting session times will fill up quickly.

PQ Mastery starts the first week of October 2023 and runs through the last week of March 2024. Participants can choose ONE reoccurring live session for the same day and time each week.

Some common experiences include:

Discovery of all 10 Saboteurs 

You discover that you have an element of each of the 10 Saboteurs. You recognize that your invisible Saboteurs point to underlying powers you have denied yourself.

Energizing each Sage Power 

You get far greater access to your Sage Powers and experience moving into each Sage state with greater ease and flow.

Relationship with Self 

You experience greater love and appreciation for yourself and the beauty and wisdom of your Sage. You intensely experience the essence of "I'm the one I've been waiting for."

Relationship with Others 

Many participants report significant improvements in the most important relationships of their lives, even if transforming their relationships was not a chosen Quest.

Coaching Mastery

Your coaching elevates to an entirely new level of mastery due to a far deeper and more nuanced understanding of all of the PQ elements and your more profound Sage presence


You develop more consistent daily PQ practices that significantly improve your physical and mental wellness.


You shatter limiting beliefs about your true powers and capacity for impact in this world. The key is recognizing that outstanding accomplishments are possible through ease and flow.

How do I know if PQ Mastery is right for me?

PQ Mastery Is Right for You if You…

Desire to live in your Sage and embody the work of mental fitness

Are ready to take your life to the next level

Are prepared to challenge yourself in a meaningful and provocative way

Are done allowing your Saboteurs to prevent you from having the life you want 

Desire to begin or deepen your journey of Self-Actualization and Self-Mastery

PQ Mastery Is NOT Right for You if You…

Are seeking more and more knowledge to avoid challenging action 

Are seeking to find fulfillment through achievement alone

Are not willing to actively participate (i.e. practice giving and receiving Sage accountability) 

Are not committed to challenging your limiting beliefs

Are not inspired by the idea of both giving and receiving within a Circle


If you are on the fence, the best way to decide is to do a long (12 minutes or longer) PQ Gym session and listen to your Sage. Your Sage will know what is best for you.