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  2. PQ Coaching Grant Program

Eligibility Requirements for the PQ Coaching Grant Program

Coaches must meet certain requirements to join the PQ Coaching Grant Program

Requirements for the program:

1. You MUST be an active, professional coach.

The PQ Coaching Grant Program is only available to active, professional coaches. This includes:

  • Running your own coaching business
  • Coaching as a part-time addition to your regular work
  • Acting as an internal coach: employed in a coaching role within your company.

By applying for the PQ Coaching Grant Program, you are confirming that you're currently receiving monetary compensation for your coaching services.

We do not require a coaching certification with a governing body such as the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

2. You MUST participate with an accountability group (a "Pod") of 3-5 professional coaches.

  • Research proves you’re 500% more likely to succeed in our program when you partner with buddies who can offer accountability and support.
  • We are so committed to your success that we couldn’t possibly ignore those odds! 
  • Your Pod should consist of 3-5 professional coaches, including you. 

Any coach you invite to your Pod will need to meet the same eligibility requirements and complete the grant application before the deadline.

3. You MUST commit to the program throughout its duration.

80% of the benefit of the program comes from completing the daily app-guided exercises. Once the program kicks off, we expect those who are participating to make this a priority. 

Here’s what you can expect in terms of time investment: 

  • 15 minutes of daily app-guided mental exercises
  • 1-hour long video session each week
  • 30-minute check-in meetings with your accountability Pod each week

If you meet all the eligibility requirements and are interested in applying for the PQ Coaching Grant Program, you can submit your application here.

The PQ Coaching Grant program is designed for coaches who have not yet participated. Please do not reapply to the PQ Coaching Grant Program if you have participated previously. If you reapply to the PQ Coaching Grant Program, your application may be denied.