1. Support Site
  2. Using the PQ App

Initial Setup: Registration & Your Profile

Steps to register and set up your profile in the PQ App.

How to Register

  • Follow the link here to Download the PQ app for direct links to the App Store or Google Play store
  • Once installed, open the app, enter your email address used for the program and choose a password
  • Signing in for the first time registers you for the program
  • Follow the prompts to set up your account, and be sure to turn on notifications, so we can help you build new mental habits through timely reminders
  • After successfully downloading & registering the PQ app, the next step is determined by the OS (operating system) of your phone
  • Next, you'll want to access your Profile, by clicking on your Profile at the bottom navigation bar (or tap on the meters from the Focus screen)


  • This is where you can edit your profile and view the PQ levels, Saboteurs, Sage, Goals, Journal, Settings, and more
  • You can change your profile picture by clicking on the image or arrow on the right side
  • You're able to edit your personal information and whether or not you'd like your profile public


From the 2-line drop-down menu, you'll be able to visit your Journal, Goals, Support (FAQs, Contacts), and Settings (Schedule, Notifications, Legal, App Info & Signing out)


  • Tap on Daily Journal under the 2-line drop-down menu.
  • The running list of daily reflections is found here.
  • While not editable, they are available for review.


  • After clicking on your Profile, there are 2 lines in the top right corner
  • Click the 2-line drop-down menu 
  • "Goals" is the second item in the list


  • Visit the FAQs area or click on the yellow beacon to search through the knowledge base. You can also learn how to contact support by typing "contact" in the search or answers bar

App Settings

  • This is where you can edit the App Schedule for notification times and determine which push Notifications you'd like
  • Legal outlines Terms & Conditions, along with the Privacy Policy are under this area
  • You can also see if your PQ App is updated by the app version, under Information
  • You can Sign Out at the bottom


There are tabs across the page that show your levels for each & gradually open with the progression of the program, along with a Muscle chart.

PQ, Saboteurs and Sage tabs

  • The PQ tab shows all your metrics, which you can learn more about here.
  • The Saboteur tab is where you can select your Saboteurs, edit your top Saboteurs & learn more about each one. 
  • The Sage tab showcases your level for each of the 5 Sage Powers: Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate & Activate. Tap on each Sage Power to learn more. (You may want to check out our Sage Power Game article for fun ways to grow your Sage.)

Muscle Line Graph Chart

  • The graph begins updating after the first week and updates weekly afterward.