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PQ Gym

Definition of PQ reps and instructions on how to add reps in the app

What is PQ Rep?

  • A PQ Rep is a 10-second hyper-focus on one of your senses.
  • PQ Reps boost your Self-Command muscle the same way that dumbbell reps would boost your physical body. 
  • Doing PQ Reps is a foundational practice for building your Mental Fitness.

How do I count Reps?

  • Most often, the PQ app automatically awards you PQ Reps when you engage in activities that require them, and it tracks your progress accordingly.
  • When you do PQ Reps on your own, for example, during lunch focusing on the taste of the food, or in the shower when focusing on the sensations of water, you can give yourself 3 PQ Reps per minute of practice.
  • For example, if you are doing a 10-minute meditation, you get 30 PQ Reps, or a 7-minute shower with attention to your sensations would give you 21 Reps, and so forth.
  • During continuous practice of PQ Reps, it is common for most people's minds to wander slightly. To address this, we simplify the counting process by calculating a realistic average for each minute of practice. This approach enables you to maintain complete focus on the essence of the Reps, rather than becoming overly concerned with precise counting.

How do I add Reps in the app?

  • Click on the Gym, then the (+) Log Outside of the App Reps button in the upper right of the app's screen.
  • From there, either enter the number of Reps completed or the number of minutes you practiced PQ and click Save.