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Who are my Pod members?

Here are the different ways to meet your Pod mates.

Depending on how you joined the Positive Intelligence Program, there are different ways to meet your Pod members.

If you're part of the PQ program, follow here: Who are my Pod members for the PQ program?

If you're part of the PQ Coaching Grant program, follow here: Who are my Pod members in the PQ Coaching Grant program?

If you joined the Positive Intelligence Program as part of a company, you have probably already been placed into a Pod with your colleagues. Check with your company's administrator for full details of your Pod.

You'll also see your Pod members in the My Pod channel of the PQ Community app. From there, you'll want to:

  • Introduce yourself to your Pod.
  • Agree on a time for weekly video calls.

Only your Pod members are able to see messages in the My Pod channel. They will be able to chat privately with you and introduce themselves too.